Global Modifiers

Alter the styling of any element with these modifiers


These modifiers will alter the display and visibility CSS properties of an element.

is-blockSets the display property to block.
is-inline-blockSets the display property to inline-block.
is-flexSets the display property to flex.
is-inline-flexSets the display property to inline-flex.
is-inlineSets the display property to inline.
is-hiddenSets the display property to none.
is-invisibleSets the visibility property to hidden.

Removing Style

These modifiers are intended to remove specific styling from elements.

has-no-paddingSets the padding property to 0.
has-no-padding-topSets the padding-top property to 0.
has-no-padding-bottomSets the padding-bottom property to 0.
has-no-padding-leftSets the padding-left property to 0.
has-no-padding-rightSets the padding-right property to 0.
has-no-marginSets the margin property to 0.
has-no-borderSets the border property to none.
has-no-shadowSets the box-shadow property to none.
has-no-wrapSets the white-space property to nowrap.
has-no-transitionSets the transition property to none.


These modifiers will alter the text-align and font-weight CSS properties of an element.

has-text-leftSets the text-align property to left.
has-text-rightSets the text-align property to right.
has-text-centerSets the text-align property to center.
has-font-normalSets the font-weight property to normal.
has-font-boldSets the font-weight property to bold.


These modifiers give you control over content alignment by using flexbox, float and margins.

is-margin-centerSets the margin property to 0 auto.
display to flex
flex-direction to column
justify-content to center
is-float-leftSets the float property to left.
is-float-rightSets the float property to right.
has-startSets the justify-content property to flex-start.
has-centeredSets the justify-content property to center.
has-endSets the justify-content property to flex-end.


These modifiers enable you to display and hide elements based on screen size.

is-mobile-onlyThe element will only be viewable on a small (mobile) viewport.
is-tablet-onlyThe element will only be viewable on a medium (tablet) viewport.
is-tablet-upThe element will be viewable on a medium and bigger viewports.
is-tablet-downThe element will be viewable on a medium and smaller viewports.
is-desktop-onlyThe element will only be viewable on a large (desktop) viewport.
is-desktop-upThe element will be viewable on a large and bigger viewports.
is-desktop-downThe element will be viewable on a large and smaller viewports.
is-desktop-x-onlyThe element will only be viewable on a extra large viewport.